Enrollment Options

 We have several options for enrollment in order to provide the
highest and best academic experience for our students.

  • Full-Time Student which includes full enrollment with instruction in all four core subjects @ 6 hours of face-to-face instruction per week; a private, credentialed master-teacher and specialist in gifted education; individualized curriculum according to the student’s abilities and interests; formal progress reports; and formal record-keeping.

  • Enrichment Student which includes enrollment in one or more interest-based courses (above and beyond a student’s typical school day), a private, credentialed master-teacher, progress reports, and a certificate of completion.

  • Enrollment of a Student/Homeschool Family-A under the “umbrella” of Accelerated Academics Private School Satellite Program” which includes the enabling of homeschool parents to direct the path of instruction for their own child according to their beliefs, using curriculum they wish to use. The family will also benefit from formal record-keeping by the PSP.

  • Enrollment of a Student/Homeschool Family-B under the “umbrella” of Accelerated Academics Private School Satellite Program” with as-needed consultation and guidance from the director of Accelerated Academics for an additional fee. This option also includes the enabling of homeschool parents to direct the path of instruction for their own child according to their beliefs. Families enrolled in this option will also benefit from formal record-keeping by the PSP.

Please contact us for information regarding tuition