Looking for Answers?

Free Consultation
It is our pleasure to extend a free introductory consultation.

How We Can Help
All children are unique, and it is critical for those responsible for their education to carefully observe and evaluate a student in order to meet the academic and socio-emotional needs of the "whole child." We offer a number of service options for those who are looking for answers and support for an engaging education that is appropriate for the individual gifted student.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How does my child/student learn best?

  • What are his/her strengths, talents or special interests?

  • What is his/her learning style?

  • What does he/she know? What does he or she want to know?

  • Is he/she learning something new every day?

  • Is he/she underachieving?

  • Does he/she need to accelerate in one or more subjects?

  • Does he/she have a learning disability that is compromising his/her academic and/or socio-emotional success?

At Accelerated Academics we provide services that will help you discover answers to the above questions. We can work with you to develop an engaging Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) that will maximize your student's success in life.